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Accident Policy is contained within the Library Personnel Policy.

Accidents/First Aid/

Unsafe Working Conditions

All accidents involving employees during working hours or while on Library premises, and all other accidents in which the Library or its property are involved directly or indirectly, including those involving patrons of any age are to be reported immediately to the Director or designee.
Any unsafe working conditions are to be reported as soon as possible to a supervisor, the Director, or designee.
First aid kits are available at the Library if necessary.
Emergency Procedure Plan Effective June 4, 2001
In the case of an individual getting hurt and coming to the Maroa Public Library because of the accident, it is our policy to call parents or guardians first, if this attempt were unsuccessful we would then call for emergency treatment via 911.
If the need is to have the individual seek treatment at an emergency room, transportation will be provided at the individuals’ expense through the hospital ambulance service.
Maroa Public Library cannot assume responsibility for accidents, which did not occur on their property, but will do our best to insure the individual receives treatment.
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